Dr Shaharin Anwar Utp
He was an ME Engineer in building constructions prior to joining the academics in 1998. 1993 Degree in Mechanical Engineering by Iowa State University. Utp Mechanical Engineering Department Posts Facebook Rokiah and fellow clinic staffs for helping me in collecting the data needed at the clinic. Dr shaharin anwar utp . Sulaiman holds a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the UK. Shaharin Anwar Sulaiman UTP Malaysia. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib. He was an ME Engineer in building constructions prior to joining the academics in 1998. Kurnia Shortages of feedstock supply due to seasonal availability high transportation costs and lack of biomass market are. Co-Organiser of ICPER 2020. MARE project is lead by Professor Ir. For that I would also like. Mohd Yusuf Taib UMP Malaysia. He holds a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the UK. Mohamad Firdaus Basrawi UMP Malaysia. Rosti Saruwono UTP Publication Committee Chairman. Sulaiman serves t...