Why Anwar Not Prime Minister Malaysia
Mahathir was instead asked to appoint Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Foreign Minister or Sanusi Junid Chief Minister of Kedah as Prime Minister if Dr. If Anwar becomes the next prime minister the country will be further divided. Why Malaysia S Opposition Must Sacrifice Anwar Ibrahim To Win The Next Election South China Morning Post The people will not be strong and mistrust each other. Why anwar not prime minister malaysia . And Anwar is not part of that chart. His mission is already completed ie thwarted PH government. But his party PKR won only two million votes. The former prime minister said it was Anwar who had rejected him in the aftermath of the collapse of the PH government last year. Why Anwar is a bane for the opposition. In a senseAnwar Ibrahim is fated to go back to the drawing board. You know I was involved in removing him before but subsequently during the period when I was in Pakatan Harapan I. Sarawak state polls expected to boost Malaysian Prime Minister I...